Ivy Curse's Dark Garden
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Welcome To My Ivy Garden


So I guess you want to hear about me...or so the message told me so...well a few of my interests are Magick, not the card tricks magic... I am practicing Dragon Magick, Animal Magick, Druidism and many others, I have so for about ten years so far...I also love painting... I posted a few here. They are copyrighted and it is not free clip art. If you are interested in any please write me.
I love all animals, I own a pomeranian... Lexus Little Boy Bailey aka Bailey who is orange sable..And also my Kitty...Mage... who is black and white...

Otherwise I like to write poetry...A few of my poems are below...Do not take them they are copyrighted....

I was born on November 11/1978 and I am 24 years of age.....I live in somewhere in Alberta...don't ask I won't tell you... Canada... I am of course if you hadn't noticed female......

I love anything and everything about Dragons....and have a dragon tattoo on my ankle and one on my neck which I designed myself.. I also have the magick symbols of intuition and power on my back....

If you want to get to know me you can reach me at ICQ # 37642246 IvyCurse...or on Pal Talk..as IvyCurse or SexySassyKitty



I Have Forgotten...

I can not hide
I am lost in a world
I can not remember
Where did I once stand
I have forgotten
All these faces
I can not see
All these feelings
I don't understand
where will I go
Across this time
Will I remember
being here

By Me



I hope to update this page often with new photos.

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Life is like that/what fear could be

life is a road of never ending pain
deal with it because everything comes to haunt you
in the end
you know thats the way it happens
death is a loving embrace
let me bring it to you
let me take the life from you
fear is what I am let me feed off of you
let me close your eyes in your final breath
lifes like that

by me of course

I love to help people out with there Dreams...if you need a Dream interpreted I will be happy to help you out...
I will try to reply back to you as soon as possiable...please leave them in my Guest Book otherwise I might miss them in my email....
and Merry Part

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